Thursday, 31 July 2014

Essay on Ganesh Chaturthi in Hindi | English

Posted by Unknown

Essay on Ganesh Chaturthi in Hindi #1

        आज पूरे देश में गणेश चतुर्थी का पर्व मनाया जा रहा है। देश के लगभग सभी शहरों और गांवों में उनकी जगह जगह मूर्तियों की स्थापना की जा रही है। इस अवसर पर गणेशोत्सव मनाया जाता है जिस पर अनेक प्रकार के सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम होते हैं। गणेश उत्सव के दौरान होने वाले कार्यक्रमों में लोग बहुत उत्साह से शामिल होते हैं।
भगवान श्रीगणेश ही का हमारे जीवन में कितना धार्मिक महत्व यह इसी बात से समझा जा सकता है कि किसी भी शुभ कार्य के प्रारंभ में उनका स्मरण किया जाता है। इसका कारण उनको भगवान शिव तथा अन्य देवताओं द्वारा दिया गया है वह वरदान है जो उनको अपने बौद्धिक कौशल के कारण मिला था।
एक समय देवताओं में अपनी श्रेष्ठता को लेकर होड़ लगी थी। श्रेष्ठ देवता के चयन के लिये यह तय किया गया कि जो इस प्रथ्वी का दौरा सबसे पहले कर लौटेगा वही उसका दावेदार होगा। सारे देवतागण उसके लिये दौड़ पड़े मगर श्री गणेश महाराज अपने माता पिता के पास बैठे अपनी लीला करते रहे। जब बाकी देवताओं के वापस लौटने की संभावना देखी तो तत्काल उठे और अपने माता पिता भगवान शिव और पार्वती की प्रदक्षिणा कर घोषणा की कि उन्होंने तो सारी सृष्टि का दौरा कर लिया क्योंकि भगवान शिव और माता पार्वती ही उनके लिये सृष्टि स्वरूप हैं। उनके इस तर्क को स्वीकार किया गया और यह आशीर्वाद दिया गया कि जो मनुष्य किसी भी शुभ कर्म के प्रारंभ में उनकी छबि की स्थापना करेगा उसे उसका अच्छा फल प्राप्त होगा। उसके बाद से उनको शुभफलदायक माना जाने लगा।
मगर उनका यह रूप सकाम भक्तों के लिये ही सर्वोपरि है जबकि निष्काम तथा ज्ञानी भक्त उनको महाभारत ग्रंथ के लेखक के रूप में भी उनकी याद करते हैं जिसमें सम्मिलित श्रीगीता संदेश बाद में भारतीय अध्यात्म का एक महान स्त्रोत बन गया और जिसा आज पूरा विश्व लोहा मानता है। वैसे महाभारत के रचनाकार तो ऋषि वेदव्यास जी है पर उसकी रचना श्री गणेश महाराज की कलम से ही हुई है।
        श्री गणेशजी का चेहरा हाथी का है और सवारी चूहे की है जो कि उनके भक्तों में विनोद का भाव भी पैदा करता है। उनको यह चेहरा उनके पिता भगवान शिव ने ही दिया जिन्होंने क्रोधवश उसे काट दिया था। एक बार माता पार्वती जी नहा रही थी और उन्होंने अपने पुत्र बालक गणेश को यह निर्देश दिया कि वह दरवाजे पर बैठकर पहरा दें और किसी को घर के अंदर न आने दें। आज्ञाकारी बालक गणेश जी वहीं जम गये। थोड़ी देर बात भगवान शिव आये तो श्री गणेश जी ने उनको अंदर जाने से रोका। पिता पुत्र में विवाद हुआ और भगवान शिव ने अपने ही बेटे का सिर अपने फरसे से काट दिया। बाद में उनको पछतावा हुआ और फिर उनको हाथी का सिर लगाकर पुनः जीवन प्रदान किया गया।
भगवान श्रीगणेश का चरित्र बहुत विशाल है। जब श्री वेदव्यास महाभारत की रचना कर रहे थे तब उन्होंने उसके लेखन के लिये श्रीगणेश जी का स्मरण किया। लिखने के लिये श्रीगणेश जी यह शर्त रखी कि जब तक वेदव्यास की वाणी चलती रहेगी वह लिखते रहेंगे और जब वह रुक जायेगी तो लिखना बंद कर देंगे।
           हमारे अध्यात्म में अनेक भगवान हैं मगर श्री गणेश जी की हस्तलिपि में लिखी गयी श्री मद्भागवत गीता को एक अनुपम ग्रंथ है जिसके कारण सकाम था निष्काम दोनों ही प्रकार के भक्तों में उनको श्रेष्ठ माना जाता है। सकाम भक्ति तथा राजस भाव वाले मनुष्य श्रीमद्भागवत गीता का पूज्यनीय तो मानते हैं पर उसके ज्ञान से यह सोचकर घबड़ाते हैं कि वह उनको सांसरिक कर्म से विरक्त कर देगी। यह उनका वहम है। जबकि इसके विपरीत श्रीमद्भागवत गीता तो निष्काम भक्ति तथा निष्प्रयोजन दया के साथ ही देह, मन और विचारों में शुद्धता लाने का मंत्र बताने वाला एक महान ग्रंथ है और हृदय में पवित्र भाव लाकर उसका अध्ययन करने से जीवन के ऐसे रहस्य हमारे सामने प्रकट हो जाते हैं जो हमारे ज्ञान चक्षु खोल देते हैं। इस संसार वह स्वरूप हमारे सामने आता है जो सामान्य रूप से नहीं दिखता। मूर्तिमान श्रीगणेश जी का वह अमूर्तिमान लेखकीय स्वरूप उन ज्ञानियों को बहुत लुभाता है जो श्री गीता संदेश का महत्व समझते हैं।
            गणेश चतुर्थी के अवसर पर हिन्दी ब्लाग जगत के साथी लेखकों और पाठकों को हार्दिक बधाई तथा शुभ कामनायें। ॐ  नमो गणेशायनमः।

Essay on Ganesh Chaturthi in English

Ganesh Chaturthi is the most awaited festival in state of Maharashtra and karnataka, Infact in whole india it is celebrated with great spirit.It’s an important Hindu festival, celebrated with great prompt and enthusiasm. Ganesh Chaturthi is marked as the birthday of Lord Ganesha or mythologically called – ‘Vigana Harta’ (remover of obstacles). On this day, the devotees of Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, offer prayers to their deity and seek his blessings.

The best celebrations associated with Ganesha Chaturthi are usually witnessed in the state of Maharashtra where celebrations stretch across 10 days. The state witnesses celebrations on gigantic proportions, Ganesha pandals (stages) are created and decorated beautifully till the day of Ganesh Murti Visarjan (immersion of Ganesha idols in to the river).

Ganesh Puja

On the festive day these idols are placed in the house holds and public mandaps. Then the ritual of the Pranapratishhtha Pooja is performed to invoke the holy presence of Lord Ganesha into the idol followed by the worship with sixteen modes of showing honor, known as Shhodashopachara. Offering of Durva (grass) blades and modaka, a delicacy prepared from rice flour, jaggery, and coconut, is an important part of the Ganesha Chaturthi puja. Ganesha is also offered red flowers, and anointed with a red chandan.

For next 10 days, the Ganesha temples, each house hold and large mandaps are swayed away by the name of their most loved God Ganesha. On 11th day, the procession ceremony of the immersion of the image/idol in a water body is performed to see-off the lord and praying him to take away all misfortunes and come again next year.

Curse of the Moon

It is said that anyone who looks at the moon on the night of the Ganesh Chaturthi will be falsely accused. If someone inadvertently sees the moon on this night, he/she may remedy the situation by listening to (or reciting) the story of the syamantaka jewel found in the Puranas.

The story is like this. Satrajit had secured a jewel from Surya. When Lord Krishna asked for it, saying it would be safe with him, Satrajit refused to give it. Prasena's brother Satrajit went out hunting wearing the jewel but was killed by a lion. Jambavant, the Ram Bhakt, killed the lion and gave the jewel to his son to play with.

When Prasena did not return, Satrajit falsely accused Krishna of killing Prasena for the sake of the jewel. Krishna did not like the stain on his reputation. He set out in search of the jewel. He found it in Jambavant's cave, with his child.

Jambavant attacked Krishna thinking him to be an intruder who' had come to take away the jewel. They fought each other for 28 days. Jambavant was terribly weakened from the hammering of Krishna's fists. He finally recognised Him as Lord Rama.

Jambavant repented that he had fought with the Lord. He gave the jewel to Krishna. He also gave his daughter Jambavati in marriage to him. Krishna returned to Dwaraka with Jambavati and the jewel.

He returned the jewel to Satrajit. In turn Satraji repented for his false accusation. He promptly offered to give Krishna the jewel and his daughter Satyabhama in marriage. Krishna accepted Satyabhama as his wife but did not accept the jewel.

Some sanskrit shloka of Ganesh Chaturthi

“Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha, Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarvakaryeshhu Sarvada”
“O Ganesha – Ganapati, One with a curved trunk, a large body, and a brilliance equal to a crore suns! O God, please make all my undertakings free from obstacles always.”

Ganesha, the lord with elephant head riding on a mouse, is mostly loved God of Hindus worshipped for success (Sidhi) in undertakings, and intelligence (budhi). Ganpati is praised before any venture is started and known as the God of education, knowledge and wisdom, literature, and the fine arts.

Essay (#2)number two ends

Essay on Ganesh Chaturthi in Hindi

एक बरस का इंतजार पूरा हुआ और जल्द ही धूम मच जाएगी सालाना गणेशोत्सव की। पौराणिक मान्यता है कि दस दिवसीय इस उत्सव के दौरान भगवान शिव और पार्वती के पुत्र गणेश पृथ्वी पर रहते हैं।

शास्त्रों में दिलचस्पी रखने वाले आचार्य आख्यानंद कहते हैं कि भगवान गणेश को विघ्नहर्ता कहा जाता है। उन्हें बुद्धि, समृद्धि और वैभव का देवता मान कर उनकी पूजा की जाती है।

गणेशोत्सव की शुरुआत हिन्दू कैलेंडर के अनुसार, भादों माह में शुक्ल चतुर्थी से होती है। इस दिन को गणेश चतुर्थी कहा जाता है। दस दिन तक गणपति पूजा के बाद आती है अनंत चतुर्दशी जिस दिन यह उत्सव समाप्त होता है। पूरे भारत में गणेशोत्सव धूमधाम से मनाया जाता है।

गणपति उत्सव का इतिहास वैसे तो काफी पुराना है लेकिन इस सालाना घरेलू उत्सव को एक विशाल, संगठित सार्वजनिक आयोजन में तब्दील करने का श्रेय स्वतंत्रता सेनानी और समाज सुधारक लोकमान्य तिलक को जाता है।

इतिहास के सेवानिवृत्त प्राध्यापक प्रो. यूजी गुप्ता ने बताया ‘सन् 1893 में तिलक ने ब्राह्मणों और गैर ब्राह्मणों के बीच की दूरी खत्म करने के लिए ऐलान किया कि गणेश भगवान सभी के देवता हैं। इसी उद्देश्य से उन्होंने गणेशोत्सव के सार्वजनिक आयोजन किए और देखते ही देखते महाराष्ट्र में हुई यह शुरुआत देश भर में फैल गई। यह प्रयास एकता की एक मिसाल साबित हुआ।’

प्रो. गुप्ता ने कहा कि एकता का यह शंखनाद महाराष्ट्रवासियों को ब्रिटिश औपनिवेशिक शासन के खिलाफ एकजुट करने में बेहद कारगर साबित हुआ। तिलक ने ही मंडपों में गणेश की बड़ी प्रतिमाओं की स्थापना को प्रोत्साहन दिया। गणेश चतुर्थी के दसवें दिन गणेश विसर्जन की परंपरा भी उन्होंने शुरू की। 

इतिहास में गहरी दिलचस्पी रखने वाली प्रो. अमिया गांगुली ने बताया ‘अंग्रेज हमेशा सामाजिक और राजनीतिक आयोजनों के खिलाफ रहते थे। लेकिन गणेशोत्सव के दौरान हर वर्ग के लोग एकत्रित होते और तरह तरह की योजनाएं बनाई जातीं। स्वतंत्रता की अलख जगाने में इस उत्सव ने अहम भूमिका निभाई।’ गणेशोत्सव का सिलसिला अभी भी जारी है और इसकी तैयारियां महीनों पहले से शुरू हो जाती हैं। 

मूर्तिकार जहां विघ्नहर्ता की आकषर्क मूर्तियां बनाते हैं, वहीं आयोजक चंदा एकत्र कर मंडप स्थापित करते हैं। मूर्तियों का आकार और उनकी कीमत दिनों दिन बढ़ती गई और साथ ही बढ़ता गया इस उत्सव के प्रति लोगों का उत्साह।

पंडित आख्यानंद कहते हैं ‘रोशनी, तरह तरह की झांकियों, फूल मालाओं से सजे मंडप में गणेश चतुर्थी के दिन पूजा अर्चना, मंत्रोच्चार के बाद गणपति स्थापना होती है। यह रस्म षोडशोपचार कहलाती है। भगवान को फूल और दूब चढ़ाए जाते हैं तथा नारियल, खांड, 21 मोदक का भोग लगाया जाता है। 

दस दिन तक गणपति विराजमान रहते हैं और हर दिन सुबह शाम षोडशोपचार की रस्म होती है। 11वें दिन पूजा के बाद प्रतिमा को विसर्जन के लिए ले जाया जाता है। कई जगहों पर तीसरे, पांचवे या सातवें दिन गणेश विसर्जन किया जाता है।’ (भाषा)
End of essay #3

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Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Ganesh Chaturthi Dates

Posted by Unknown
Ganesh Festival is a huge festival for Hindus. I am sure you are here to search about Ganesh Chaturthi dates. Ganesh Chaturthi is a festival celebrated for lord Ganesha. Ganesha is also known as Vinayak, Ganapathi, Vakratunda and many more names.

Ganesh Chaturthi Dates

Ganesh Chaturthi is always celebrated on the fourth day after the new moon in the Hindu month of Bhadrapada. Ganesh Chaturthi is also known as Ganesh Chavthi, Vinayak Chavthi, Vinayak Chaturthi. This year in 2014, Ganesh Chaturthi starts on 29th August. Mostly it falls in September or August every year. It is celebrated for 10-11 days, with the biggest event taking place on the last day known as Ananth Chaturdasi

Ganesh Chaturthi 2014 starts from 29th August.

Ganesh Chaturthi Dates 2014, 2015, 2016

  • In 2014, Ganesh Chaturthi is on August 29
  • In 2015, Ganesh Chaturthi is on September 17 (Ananta Chaturdasi on September 27).
  • In 2016, Ganesh Chaturthi is on September 5 (Ananta Chaturdasi on September 15).

How Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in India?

During, Ganesh Chaturthi people get Ganesh idol or statue to their houses and offer pooja and lots of sweet. Ganesh is famous for lots of different food items. Especially during Ganesh Chaturthi most of them offer Modaka (a sweet) , Panchakajaya, Laddo, many varieties of Laddoos.

The Ganesh Idol is kept in home for 10-11 days depending on the locality. Everyday some different food item is served to Ganesh. Its a fest of happiness, joy. Every family member unites during Ganeshotsv.

Here in India, we have committees (Ganapathi Madal, Ganesh Mandal) were like people or I can rephrase it with All Ganesh devotees come together and bring a big Ganapathi Idol usually known as Sarvajanik Ganapathi. 

lal bag ka raja
This is an example of Sarvajanik ganapthi. And this in particular is known as LAL Bag ka raja, one of the oldest and well known ganapathi of Mumbai.
I hope you would enjoy this Ganapthi festival, ganesh chaturthi with lots of happiness and joy. WISH YOU ALL A VERY VERY HAPPY GANESH CHATURTHI.

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Happy Ganesh Chaturthi 
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Ganesh Wallpaper

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Lord Ganesha Wallpaper

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Vinayaka Wallpaper

Ganesha Chaturthi:
Ganesh Chaturthi is the Hindu festival celebrated on the birthday (rebirth) of the lord Ganesha, the son of Shiva and Parvati.
It is believed that Lord Ganesh bestows his presence on earth for all his devotees during this festival. It is the day when Ganesha was born. Ganesha is widely worshiped as the god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune and traditionally invoked at the beginning of any new venture or at the start of travel. The festival, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi ("festival of Ganesha") is observed in the Hindu calendar month of Bhaadrapada, starting on the shukla chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon period).

Copyright: This website is just for sharing and information propose of serving Ganesh bhakts. And I dont have any copyright protect on these images, messages. If you are the owner or holding any copy right then please let me know to pingraviraj[@]gmail[dot]com. I would be glad to get that image or message down.

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Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Photos of Ganesh Chaturthi

Posted by Unknown
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Photos of Ganesh Chaturthi

What is Ganesh Chaturthi?
Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the biggest fest in India for Hindus. People unite for the festival. All family members come together and celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi with lots of happiness. There is a saying that Lord Ganesha comes to earth to visit his devotees and stay at their place for 10-11 days.

Photos of Ganesh Chaturthi [Lalbaugcha Raja]

photos of ganesh chaturthi lalbagcha raja
Lalbaugcha Raja
Lalbaugcha Raja, ganapathi Located at Lalbaug market,  is one of the oldest sarvajanik (public) Ganesh festivals of Mumbai established in 1934.
Lalbaugcha Raja is truly a King in all respects and it pays to seek his audience.
Huge devotees come from far-off places, including foreigners, and stand for hours in queues running into several kilometres only to get a 'darshan' of the idol at Lalbaugcha Raja Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav Mandal.

For the devotees who go seeking the fulfillment of their prayers to the Lord, it is more arduous path, as it takes about six hours during the weekdays particularly during the initial days.

During weekends and after the fifth day, the devotees wait for as much as 25-30 hours in the queue.

During lean periods the queue is 2.5 km to 3 km long while during peak time it stretches to 10 km. 

Photos of Ganesh Chaturthi 2

photos of ganesh chaturthi

Photos of Ganesh Chaturthi 3

photos of ganesh
Cute Ganesh

Photos of Ganesh Chaturthi 4

Photos of Ganesh Chaturthi 5

Photos of Ganesh Chaturthi 2014 [Huge Collection]:

When is Ganesh Chaturthi ?
Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated on 29th August 2014.
lord ganesha creative

Celbration of Ganapathi Chaturthi by devotees.

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Monday, 21 July 2014

Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS

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When is Ganesh Chaturthi ?
Ganesh Chaturthi is on 29th august 2014. Ganesh Chaturthi is a fest celebrated by every hindu. Its one of the biggest festival of Hinduism. Its a fest of 10-11 days depending upon locality. Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in Karnataka, Maharastra, Tamil Nadu. Lot of crackers are burnt during the Ganapathi Visarjan (Immersion). Its  a saying that Ganesh comes to earth to visit his devotees.

Here I have collected and have made a list of text messages which you can send to your parents, family, sons, relatives , neighbors or in short to any one. Here you go with list of Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS.

Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS 1:

May Lord Ganesha come to your house and
take away all your Laddus n Modaks
with all your worries and sorrows.
Shubh Ganesh Chaturthi.

Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS 2:

Ganapati – Lord of all Gods
Alampata – Infinite Lord
Nideeshwaram – Bestower of Treasures & Riches
Eshanputra – Son of Lord Shiva
Siddhidata – Giver of Success
Harida – Golden colored
Avighna – Remover of all difciculties & obstacles
May Lord Ganesha
showers his finest blessings on you…
Today and always.Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!
Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS

Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS 3:

Gajanana Shri Ganaraya aadi vandu tujha Moraya.
Ganpati Bappa Morya!
Mangal Murti Morya!
Jai Ganesh!

Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS 4:

He is also known by many as Maha-Ganapathi.
Happy Birthday to Lord Ganesh.

Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS 5:

→ This, is a special time when family
And friends get together,for fun.
Wishing laughter and fun to cheer your days,
In this festive season of GANESHA PUJA and always!!!!!! !!

Huge Collection of Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS

I wish u Happy Ganesh Chaturthi and
I pray to God for your prosperous life.
May you find all the delights of life,
May your all dreams come true.

→ I wish u Happy Ganesh Chaturthi and
I pray to God for your prosperous life.
May you find all the delights of life,
May your all dreams come true.

Wishing you never ending happiness like Ganesha’s appetite
Life as long as his trunk
Troubles as small as his mouse
Memories as sweet as his moddaks
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!!!

May this Ganesh Chaturthi bring
happiness in your life
Hatred be far apart from your life.
Enjoy the festival with love on your heart
and good wishes for others.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS

Aap ka aur khushiyon ka janam janam ka saath ho,
Aapki tarakki ki harr kissi ki zabaan parr baat ho
Jab bhi koi mushkl aye My Friend Ganesha aap ke saath ho
Sada aap ke chand se chehre parr 100 V ki muskaan khilli rahe
Aur yeah kehte rahein – Ganapatti Bappa Moorya!
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!!!

As rains bless the Earth
Likewise may Lord Ganesha Bless you 
With never ending Happiness
Keep smiling & receiting
Ganapatti Bappa Moorya!
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!!!

Gajanana shri ganaraya aadi vandu tujha moraya
Ganpati bappa morya!mangal murti moray.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!

Aate bade dhoom se Ganpati Ji,
Jaate bade dhoom se Ganpati Ji,
Aakhir sabse pahale aakar,
Hamare dilon me bas jate Ganpati Ji.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!!!

Hamare dilon me bass jate hain Ganpati Ji
Aate bade dhoom se ganpati ji,
jaate bade dhoom se ganpati ji,
aakhir sabse pahale aakar,
hamare dilon me bas jate ganpati ji.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!!!

Ganesh Maharajki Jai..
May Lord Ganesh removes all obstacles,
and gives U happieness to you and
your family and entire to the society.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi…

Aapka Sukh Ganesh Ke Pet Jitna Bada Ho
Aapka Dukh Chuhe Jesa Chota Ho
Aapki Life Ganeshji Ke Soond Jitni Lambi Ho
Aapke Bol Modak Jaise Mithe Ho
Bolo Ganpati Bappa Moraiyaa
Happy Vinayaka Chavithi 2011

Andhera hua dur raat ke saath
Nayi subha aayi badhai leke sath
Ab ankhne kholo dekho ek msg aayi ha
Ganesh Chaturthi ki subh kamna sath layi ha.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.

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Marathi Ganesh Chaturthi
Ganesh chaturthi Messages in Marathi
Ganesh Chaturthi 2014 

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Sunday, 20 July 2014

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi

Posted by Unknown
Ganesh Chaturthi SMS Quotes |Wishes Messages in Hindi, || Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi, ||Ganesh Chaturthi Quotes in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi Messages in Hindi, ||Happy Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi, Ganpati SMS in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi Hindi SMS, Ganesh Chaturthi Hindi Quotes, Ganpati Wishes in Hindi, Happy Ganesh Chaturthi Quotes in Hindi, Happy Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes in Hindi, Happy Ganesh Chaturthi Messages in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi 2012 SMS in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi Hindi Wishes, Ganesh Chaturthi Hindi Messages, Ganesh Chaturthi 2012 Quotes in Hindi, Ganpati Messages in Hindi, Ganpati Quotes in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi 2012 Wishes in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi 2012 Messages in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi Messages SMS in Hindi

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi 1

Tumachya Aushyatala Anand
Ganeshachya Pota Itka Vishal Aso,
Adachani Undara Itkya Lahan Aso,
Ayushya Sonde Itke Lamb Aso,
Kshan Modaka Itke God Asave Aso,

Ganeshchaturthichya Hardik Shubhechha.

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi 2

Vakratunda mahaakaaya,
Surya koti samaprabha,
Nirvighnam kurumedeva,
Sarvakaaryeshu sarvada.
Happy Ganeshotsva

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi 3

गणेश की ज्योति से नूर मिलता है
दो दिलों को सुरूर मिलता है,
जो भी जाता है गणेशा के द्वार,
कुछ ना कुछ मिलता है
"जय श्री गणेश" 

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi 4

Aapka Sukh Ganesh Ke Peth Jitna Bda Ho,
Aapka Dukh Undar Jesa Chota Ho,
Aapki Life Ganeshji Ke Sund Jitni Badi Ho,
Aapke Bol Modak Jaise Mithe Ho,
Bolo Ganapati Bappa Moraiyaa !!!

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi 5

Phool Ki Shuruvat Kali Se Hoti Hai,
Zindgi Ki Shuruvat Pyar Se Hoti Hai,
Pyar Ki Shuruvat Apno Se Hoti Hai,
Aur Apno Ki Shuruvat Aapse Hoti Hai.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi ! ! ! 

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi 6

Aap Khush Rahe Har Dum,
Sab Kaam Ho Pure Har Dum,
Hamari To Yahi Khwahis He Har Dum,
Ganeshji De Khushi Duniya Bhar Ki,
Aapko Har Dum….

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi 7

Jiske Bina Subh Kaam He Adhura,
Jo He Sabse Mangal Kari, Aur
He Wo Riddhi Siddhi Ke Swami,
Aaya He Unka Parva Mil Ke Sab,
Manao Khushali….
“Happy Ganesh Chaturthi”

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi 8

Deva Ho Deva Ganesh Deva,
Tu Hi To Ridhhi Sidhhi ka Data,
Karta Tu Sabka Udhhar,
Ham Par Barsao Kripa Apar,
Aur Kardo Beda Par…..
Jay Ho Ganesh Deva

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi 9

Mushikavaahana Modaka Hastha,
Chaamara Karna Vilambitha Sutra,
Vaamana Rupa Maheshwara Putra,
Vighna Vinaayaka Paada Namasthe

Happy Ganesh Chaturthy!!!

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi 10

Ek Do Teen Char
Ganapati Ji Ki Jay Jay Kaar
Paanch Chhai Saat Aaath
Ganapati Ji Hai Sabke saath
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi

bakthi Ganapathi,
Sakthi Ganapathi,
Laxmi Ganapathi,
siddhi Ganapathi,

may this Ganesh chaturthi brings you,
Bakthi,Shakti,Siddhi,Laxmi and Samridhi.

Chal Bhai Jaldi Uth Ja,
Aaj Ganesh Ji Bula Rahe He,
Kyu Ke Aaj Unka Din He,
Uth Ke Aaj Fatafat Pandal me,
Manayenge Aaj Dhoom Se.

Tumachya aushyatala anand
Ganeshachya pota itka vishal aso,
Adachani undara itkya lahan aso,
Ayushya sonde itke lamb aso,
Kshan modaka itke god asave aso
Ganesh Chaturthichya Hardik Subheccha.

Deva o Deva
Ganati Deva
Tumse Bad Kar Kaun
Aur Tumhare Bhakt Jano mein
Sabse jyada sms Karta Kaun
Tum bhi ban sakte ho Sabse Jyada sms bhakt
Forward this message to all your friends and say
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi

Gul Ne Gulshan Se Gulfam Bheja Hai
Sitaro Ne Gagan Se Salam Bheja Hai,
Mubarak Ho Apko Yeh Ganesh Chaturthi
Humne Tahe Dil Se Yeh Paigam Bheja Hai.....

विघ्नहर्ता,मंगलकर्ता आप सब के जीवन में नूतन उत्साह का संचार करे समस्त विपत्तियों से आप सबकी और आपके परिवार की रक्षा करे...हे गणपति बप्पा सारी बुराइयो से दूर रख कर आप हमें अपने चरणों में स्थान दे...!!!

!! गणपति बाप्पा मोरया !
!! मंगल मूर्ति मोरया !!

Hamare Dilon Me Bass Jate Hain Ganpati Ji
Aate Bade Dhoom Se Ganpati Ji,
Jaate Bade Dhoom Se Ganpati Ji,
Aakhir Sabse Pahale Aakar,
Hamare Dilon Me Bas Jate Ganpati Ji.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!!! 

Mushikavaahana Modaka Hastha,
Chaamara Karna Vilambitha Sutra,
Vaamana Rupa Maheshwara Putra,
Vighna Vinaayaka Paada Namasthe

Happy Ganesh Chaturthy!!! 

incoming searches Ganesh Chaturthi SMS Quotes Wishes Messages in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi Quotes in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi Messages in Hindi, Happy Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi, Ganpati SMS in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi Hindi SMS, Ganesh Chaturthi Hindi Quotes, Ganpati Wishes in Hindi, Happy Ganesh Chaturthi Quotes in Hindi, Happy Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes in Hindi, Happy Ganesh Chaturthi Messages in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi 2012 SMS in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi Hindi Wishes, Ganesh Chaturthi Hindi Messages, Ganesh Chaturthi 2012 Quotes in Hindi, Ganpati Messages in Hindi, Ganpati Quotes in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi 2012 Wishes in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi 2012 Messages in Hindi, Ganesh Chaturthi Messages SMS in Hindi
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Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi

Posted by Unknown
Wish you all a very happy Ganesh Chaturthi. Find Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi here. Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration is a big festival in India especially it is celebrated with lots of joy in Tamil nadu, maharastra and Karnataka. Ganesh Chaturthi is also known as Vinayak Chaturthi. Fest lasts for 11-12 days depending on the city and locality.

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in marathi 1

तुझ्या  आयुश्चय्तला  आनंद  तय  गंरायाच्या  काना  इतका  विशाल  असावा

अडचणी  उन्दरा इतक्या लहान  असाव्या

आयुष्य  त्याचा  सोन्देइत्के  लामब  असावे  आणि

आयुस्च्यातील  क्षण  मोदकसारखे गोड असावे

गणपति  बाप्पा  मोरिया 

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi 2

Intha iniya pon naalil
Vinayagar ungalukum ungul kudumpatirukum
Ella arulaiyum puriyatum
Iniya Vinayagar Chaturthi vazthukal!
Jay Shri Siddhi Vinayaka
Ganeshchaturthichya Hardik Shubhechha
Wish u a Happy Ganesh Chaturthi..!!!

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi 3

He is also known by many as Maha-Ganapathi.
Happy VinayakaChaturthi
Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi 4

Tujhya aayushchaytla anand tya Ganrayachya kaana itka vishal asaava
Adchanee undra itkya lahaan asavyaa
Ayushya tyacha sondeitke laamb asaave aani
Aayuschyateel qshan modakasarkhe ghod asaave
Ganapati Bappa Moriya!

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi 5

मूषीकवाहना मोड़का हस्ता,
चामरा करना विलंबिता सट्रा,
वामाना रूपा महेश्वरा पुत्रा,
विघ्ना विनायका पाड़ा नमस्ते
हॅपी गणेश चतुर्थी!!

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi 6

 Mushikavaahana Modaka Hastha, Chaamara Karna Vilambitha Sutra, Vaamana Rupa Maheshwara Putra, Vighna Vinaayaka Paada Namasthe, 

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi 7

Intha iniya pon naalil
Vinayagar ungalukum ungul kudumpatirukum
Ella arulaiyum puriyatum
Iniya Vinayagar Chaturthi vazthukal!
Jay Shri Siddhi Vinayaka
Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi
Ganesh Chaturthi in Marathi 

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi 8

Gajanana Shri Ganaraya
aadi vandu tuj Moraya.
Jai Ganesh!

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi 9

Ek Do Teen Char
Ganapathi Ki Jay Jay Kaar
Paanch Chai Saat Aaath
Ganapati Hai Sabke saath
wishing u a Happy Ganesh Chaturthi..!!!
Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Marathi 10
Aate bade dhoom se ganpati ji,
jaate bade dhoom se ganpati ji,
aakhir sabse pahale aakar,
hamare dilon me bas jate ganpati ji.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthy!!!

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Saturday, 19 July 2014

Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS [Images]

Posted by Unknown
Ganesh Chaturthi is on 29th August 2014. Wish you have a very happy Ganesh Chaturthi. Here I am listing Ganesh chaturthi Wishes SMS in images which you can share on whatsapp, facebook. This images can be downloaded and sent via email, whatsapp, facebook.

Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS [Images]

ganesh wallpaper
ganesh chaturthi wishes sms

ganesh chaturthi Wishes [Images]
ganesha wallpaper
cute ganesh chaturthi wishes
cute ganesh greetings

Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes SMS [Images]

You can download the images by just right clicking on the image and then click "Save this image" and the image will be downloaded on your system. You can share this post on facebook also. We have added share button in the website. 

Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes [Images]
Ganesh Chaturthi Wishes
Copy rights: This website is just for sharing and information propose of serving Ganesh bhakts. And I dont have any copyright protect on these images, messages. If you are the owner or holding any copy right then please let me know to pingraviraj[@]gmail[dot]com. I would be glad to get that image or message down. 

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Ganesh Chaturthi SMS [Images]

Posted by Unknown
Wish you have a very happy Ganesh Chaturthi. Here I am listing Ganesh chaturthi SMS in images which you can share on whatsapp, facebook. This images can be downloaded and sent via email, whatsapp, facebook.

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS [Images]

What is Ganesh Chaturthi?
Ganesh Chaturthi is a major festival in India. Ganesh Chaturthi is fest dedicated to Lord Ganesha. There is a saying that Lord Ganesha would be coming to earth to visit his devotees. This year Ganesh Chaturthi has come on August 29th.
I hope this Ganesh Chaturthi gives you lot of happiness and prosperity. Here are some of the Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in the form of images which you can use as greetings also. You can download these images by just right clicking on the image and click on "Save this image" and so the image will be downloaded to your system.
Happy Vinayak Chaturthi again.

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS [Images]

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS [Images]
Ganesh Chaturthi SMS [Images]

Ganesh Chaturthi 2014

Ganesh Chaturthi

ganesha wallpapers

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS [Images]

You can download the images by just right clicking on the image and then click "Save this image" and the image will be downloaded on your system. You can share this post on facebook also. We have added share button in the website.

Lord Ganesha

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS

Ganesha wallpapers

Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in Hindi
Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in hindi
Ganesh Chaturthi SMS
Ganesh Chaturthi SMS in English

I hope you understood how to download the file and now you wanna find where it is saved. please press "Ctrl+J" to find the downloaded files in your browser. Remember go to browser and click "CTRL+J" for the downloads page.

Copy rights: This website is just for sharing and information propose of serving Ganesh bhakts. And I dont have any copyright protect on these images, messages. If you are the owner or holding any copy right then please let me know to pingraviraj[@]gmail[dot]com. I would be glad to get that image or message down.

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